Thursday, September 22, 2011

walking barefoot is the natural way to walk

Urbanization has greatly affected the way in which we walk and as such we no longer use our feet in the way they were intended. Due to the rapid urbanization of our environment in the past few hundred years, with streets being covered in tarmac and concrete paving slabs providing pavement to walk along, the ground has changed from soft, uneven woodlands and fields to flat and hard surfaces. Then someone invented shoes. It was the last step that divorced us from the Earth.

No matter how hard the shoe companies try they can never make a shoe that suits the shape of human feet. It is claimed that shoes not only deform our feet, but can potentially lead to injury. Walking in shoes, therefore, does more harm than good because it results in more aches and pains in the body. Some of our foot muscles even get lazy by wearing overprotective shoes.

According to some ancient philosophies, life-force energy called Chi (also called Qi or Prana) can be absorbed through the soles of the feet. Ground Chi is absorbed automatically and unconsciously when walking barefoot, which increases the amount of Chi absorbed by the body. It's said that you can consciously learn to absorb more Chi from the ground as you walk to increase your vitality, your capacity to do more work and your ability to think more clearly.

Walking barefoot is beneficial for many health related problems. The benefits include:
  • In summer seasons, walking barefoot has been found to have a cooling effect on the body, especially walking bare feet on the green grass in the morning.
  • Walking barefoot improves circulatory function because the motion you get from your unrestricted foot when walking barefoot activates a host of muscles in your foot and legs, which in turn helps to pump blood back to your heart. This muscle action prevents the pooling of blood in your feet and legs, reducing the stress on the entire cardiovascular system and reducing blood pressure. This is why walking barefoot is recommended to prevent vein problems.
  • Walking barefoot provide relaxation to the tired feet.
  • It has also proven to be an effective remedy to get rid of the problem of flat feet.
  • Walking barefoot offer an opportunity to build up a direct contact with nature. This will not only take your mind off everyday tensions and relax your body, but also rejuvenate your mind and boost your energy levels.
  • Walking barefoot helps straighten out the toes and prevents its deformity. It also improves flexor strength.

How to walk barefooted safely?

Here are some barefoot safety tips:
  • You must always be on the lookout to steer clear of possible hazards. Scan the path in front of you and see where you will be able to walk.
  • Walking under overhanging tree branches means you need to take extra care as your head will be facing downwards and you may not notice potential hazards ahead of you.
  • Take special care when walking through areas where it is difficult to see the ground, for example when walking through tall uncut grasses, leaf litter, etc.
  • Make sure that you avoid areas that have dangerous hazards such as poisonous snakes or industrial waste.
  • When you get home, wash your feet with soap and water and make sure that there are no insects on your skin.

Walking is one of the best base chakra exercises. The connection you make with the ground on each step helps to balance the first chakra's energy while strengthening and toning your legs and respiratory system. You should try to walk barefoot as much as possible as it is helpful for the bone structure of your feet to function according to its natural shape.

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