Wednesday, September 14, 2011

4 Reasons why you should eat fresh food

Eating right and eating in right quantities is the only way to be healthy. By the way, what is good food, anyway? Good food is the food that will not produce any ill-effects for your body. You will feel fresh and healthy when you eat, will give sufficient energy when you finished eating. Everyone is unique and has different dietary needs. Fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts are generally considered as good food.
Here are few reasons why you should eat right food.

1. Eating fresh food will keep your health – you know how you feel after eating a double-layered-cheese pizza. Tired and overly stressed more than that, stuffed. Eating fresh food keeps your skin shiny, healthy and naturally you will have a youthful, good look. You would like to keep yourself healthy, don’t you? Choose your food carefully to live healthy
2. Eating fresh food is enjoyable – eating fresh food is a very pleasant experience. Nutritious food always makes you feel happy because you know you are eating good food and that will make you happy.

3. Eating fresh food is environment-friendly – when you try to eat uncooked food or minimally cooked food, you are not using much energy to cook. So, you can reduce your energy bills and will learn to live an environment-friendly way.
4. Eating fresh food is easy – you won’t need to spend time in cooking (frying, steaming). Just make a plate of salads by cutting fresh vegetables, add some salt and seasoning, your meal is ready. You will start enjoying such fresh food.

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